It’s Official, Women Run The World

Yes, women run the world. Empowering women has made a world a better place and there is no doubt about that. Women bring a lot...

Marital Law: Why It Creates More Problems Than It Seeks To...

Trouble is in store for men who rape their wives. Parliament recently passed the law that will send them to the University of understanding. To...

Wife Grants Husband’s Dying Wish: To Be Buried With His Money

One widow, in a story that has haunted many for years, was nothing like her late spouse. Her husband was a man who worked...

When Love Isn’t Enough- Reuben Abati

It is that time of the year again in the month of February, when there is so much talk and excitement about romance and...

Singer Peter Miles to Wed Fiance

Ugandan dance hall star Peter Miles is set to wed fiance come next year. Peter Miles will walk down the aisle with fiance Sheri Bukirwa...

Women and Self Juicing: Give Yourself A Mind-Blowing Orgasm

Hey you. Do you like touching yourself? I mean … juicing your lady parts? Mahn, I have failed to do myself, literally. I just...

Sex Positions That Will Ruin Your Intimate Moment

I’m no Ssenga but I actually like finding out anything I can on the art of “making love”. So while I was browsing the...

The Sizzling Taste Of Luxury And Class

A few months ago, I happened to attend a classy exclusive gathering in Muyenga. It was the baptism ceremony of the grandson of one...

Exes are Exes for a Reason? Guys vs Girls

As you might already know, Robbin Thicke seperated with his wife of almost twenty years now Paula Patton and has been desperately trying to...

Skin Whitening: Is Bleached Beauty Desirable Than Natural?

Kenyan socialite, Vera Sidika came out and confessed whitening her skin “so as to look desirable”. Not only did the confession attract national attention, but...

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