I Wanted to Become A Lawyer – Aamito Stacie, ANTMAfrica

Aamito Stacie Lagum is a Ugandan model who won the first ever Africa’s Next Top Model cycle one by Nigeria’s Oluchi Orlando that took...

The Castle that Made One Man Detest Women For the Rest...

The year was 1930 when Lord Maurice Egerton, a British aviator, proposed to a beautiful young girl who was related to Queen Elizabeth. The...

Is Being Cheated on the Worst Thing that Could Happen?

I was going through my Facebook news-feed this afternoon when I saw one of my friends having posted this question. Going through the comments...

Why Do Celebrity Women Go For Toy Boys?

Celebrity is an interesting phenomenon. Largely a construct of our own desires, we raise into the limelight people that we either love or love...

When Money CAN Buy Love

People have different sayings to explain the true meaning behind the word LOVE. For example love is blind, love is patient, love doesn’t ask...

How to Ignite the Spark and Kill Boredom in a Relationship

Monotony is something one cannot run away in life be it in a relationship or work. In one way or the other everything always...

Here Is How To Make Your Relationship Last

Love never fails; it’s the reason we have to make it work. Recently a woman was explaining the importance of communication in relationships using...

6 Foods That Will Vamp Up Your Sex Life

Man and woman Want to live a long, healthy and vibrant life? Maintaining a healthy sex life can actually assist you on that path,...

Ladies, Be Natural Once In A While

Shout out to men who have never seen their women’s real hair! I tweeted that last year when I had around 1000 plus followers...

How to Know Your Girlfriend’s Male Friend is Just A Friend?

Is there a certain man that your girlfriend interacts with almost all the time, but every time you ask her about him, she assures...

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